My first introduction to the term "serial" as a fictional device was in the 9th grade, when my class was reading David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. The idea of getting a reader addicted to a story, and releasing it little bits at a time, seemed like a diabolical and brilliant idea to me. Just ask anyone obsessed with a daytime soap, the Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, or Project Runway, how compelling a "serial" can truly be.
Of all the books, magazine articles, newspaper bits, and blog posts I read this year, the most effective serial was undeniably Julia Barrett's ill-fated canoe trip, also known as The Canoe Trip From Hell. Julia is a very talented writer and blogger, and this accounting of her canoe trip in Northern Minnesota caught me totally off guard. I didn't realize I would become seriously addicted, agitated, amused, amazed and emotional about a story that dragged on for 6 long days. And I do mean, long. We live in a time of immediate gratification. How difficult it is to be patient (24 freakin' hours!), waiting for the next installment of the story.
And this real-life story has everything in it. An intrepid heroine (Julia), a sweet, sexy, strong hero (Julia's hubby), an evil villain and his wife (Mr. Bob and Mrs. Bob), a suspenseful story line, a wicked sense of humor, a gorgeous setting and the requisite HEA. This series of blog posts is hands-down the greatest blogging I read all year. Here are the links to the series...please read them in chronological order, but realize you are all cheating because you get to read the whole story at the same time. Cheaters!!!!!!!
I'll leave you with my favorite quote....
"I have to go stand near the bear shit to cool off. I'm sending out bear vibes, hoping a bear comes and eats Mr. Bob tonight."
Sunday, August 29....Preamble--Red Flags
Monday, August 30... Day One: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Tuesday, August 31... Day Two - Having Fun Despite Everything!
Wednesday Sept 1... Day Three - The Stupids or Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Thursday Sept 2.... Get Me Outta This Stinkin' Fresh Air
Friday Sept 3.... In the end....
Thanks, Julia for this brilliant story. So glad you made it back alive. (Bet you didn't send Mr. and Mrs. Bob a holiday card this year...hee hee hee!)
Addicted to 5-star hotels and indoor plumbing,