So, how am I doing with my bucket list?? (see side bar and this post). I put together a list for myself after being inspired by Mia Marlowe's list....hers included taking ballroom dancing lessons and going topless in St. Maarten! Ack! More power to her.
Here's how I am doing.....
Penelope's Bucket List for 2010-2011....
1. Attend the opera with my husband. (Not happening this year. None of the operas look appealing. Maybe next year.)
2. Plant hundreds of daffodil bulbs in my garden to enjoy next spring. (Did it. Can't wait for spring.)
3. Write a quickie botanical paranormal story with a bearded hero. (Decided to work on my full-length botanical mystery/romance. With a bearded hero. Of course.)
4. Heal my heart. I want to hear these words from my cardiologist "Your heart is back to normal!" (Did it! My heart is back to normal...yee haw!)
5. Go for a run. (Did it. It wasn't very long, but it was good enough for me.)
6. Visit the Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass Models of Plants at the Harvard Museum of Natural History. (Not yet, but I'm still planning to do this one soon. Can't wait.)
7. Attend the NJRWA conference this October and the NECRWA conference next spring.(Already did the NJRWA meeting. Looking forward to NECRWA and probably the national RWA meeting in NYC, too. Also attending the Empire State Book Festival in April and will be moderating a romance panel...yay!)
8. Go birding at the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel, Florida. (Oh boy, am I looking forward to this...coming up in April!)
9. Plant a terrarium this winter. (Not yet. Still on my to-do list. My daughter wants to add a turtle or frog into the terrarium. Uh oh.)
10. Lose 50 more pounds (already lost 30) and reverse my diabetes diagnosis. (I have lost 48 pounds, and I no longer have diabetes. I am so stoked about this. I am still working on losing 30 more pounds by summer. I feel so much better.)
11. Go to the Nutcracker ballet with my daughter this Christmas. (Daughter nixed this one. Instead, we are going to the Westminster Dog Show in NYC on Valentine's Day!!!!!! Sooooo fun....watch out weenie dogs, here we come!)
12. Finish edits for Sweet Magik and look forward to my 2nd book publication next year.(Sweet Magik is all done. Will be released in both digital and print format on Nov. 4, 2011. My first book in print...yay! I am very excited about this!)
13. Spend hours puttering around the fantabulous antique mall in Quechee, Vermont, followed up by a glass of sparkling apple cider at Simon Pearce. (Did it. Had a fabulous weekend with my hubby, as a belated celebration for our 20th anniversary. Had the most incredibly delicious dinner at Simon Pearce...holy cow, after eating such a strict diet for months, that meal was magnificent.)
14. Walk Sachuest Point in Middletown, Rhode Island and see the harlequin ducks. (Not yet...hopefully soon...when the weather is no longer -24!)
15. Become involved in heart health education. (Working on it...I will have some more posts soon, and I'm helping my daughter to raise $$ for the American Heart Association right now.)
Well, working on this bucket list should be keeping me busy for the next several months. This week I'm reading Naked In Death by JD Robb (first time reading her...can't wait to meet Roarke) and an erotica by Amber Skyze called Naughty St. Nick. I thought I was finally finished with my holiday reads, but evidently not.
Happy Monday,