It's Friday! Time for....Beard of the Day. (Or rather, Scruff of the Day, as the case may be). Clive Owen looks way hot in this photo, and ready to rumble!
Super quickie reading updates.....I read Guardian Cowboy by Crystal Rain Love this week. It's a "sweet" (rated G) e-book about a sexy cowboy named Presley (guess who his Mama likes?). Even though I was sad we didn't get to see Presley in any good lovin' scenes (he has that whole hot cowboy thing going on), I really enjoyed this sweet, well-written and emotional story. Now I'm in the mood for some more cowboy books!
Also read: I Thee Wed by Amanda Quick. AQ never disappoints....I got a spunky heroine, a highly disciplined hero who is shocked by his passionate response to the heroine (so shocking!), a fun mystery/story line, and an HEA. What more could a girl want?
Hope y'all have a good weekend,