Happy Valentine's Week! I love Valentine's Day because it basically covers all of my favorite things....love and romance, chocolates, flowers, and going out to a chichi restaurant for a gourmet meal. It's my perfect holiday. After 20 years of marriage, my husband knows the way to my heart...yellow roses, chocolate truffles, a dinner out to my favorite Cambodian restaurant, and a romance novel (or 2)!!!
To start off this week with a bang, Penelope is giving away some beautiful, heart-shaped chocolate truffles from Old Naples Chocolate and am Amazon gift card. (There will be two winners chosen today). Here's how to enter the contest....

1) Go to Penny Watson's author website and sign up for the newsletter...just fill out this form on the contact page.
Don't worry...you will not be inundated with spam. I'll be sending out a newsletter probably about 4x/year, and sending announcements for new releases and contests.
2) Sign up to follow Penelope's Romance Reviews. (see follower list on the right hand side bar of this page).
3) If you are already on my follower list and newsletter list, just send me a message on the contact page letting me know! You'll be entered into the contest.
4) For an extra entry into the contest, you can....(choose one)
--friend me on Facebook
--friend me on Goodreads
--follow The Quirky Ladies blog
--follow me on Twitter
Just let me know in your message on the contact form. I'll add in another entry for you!
That's it! The contest will be open until Sat Feb 13. Winners will be announced on Sunday Feb 14.
Tomorrow I'll be posting my review of The Untamed Bride, Wednesday is the Most Romantic Beard contest (with another giftcard give-away), Thursday is the Most Romantic Hero Quiz (with book give-away), and Friday is another review. All winners will be announced on Sunday.
I would love to hear how all of you are celebrating VD this week (hee hee...I used to work in a flower shop, and my boss would get so pissed off when we wrote VD on the order slips instead of Valentine's Day...seriously, who has time for that??). Let me know!
Love, kisses and cupid's arrows,