Fall in New England is bliss. Two nights ago we lit our firepit, roasted marshmallows, sipped hot cider (with a dash of Calvados...oh yeah!) and the kids ran off to play manhunt. It just doesn't get any better than that.
My reading update: just finished Karen Hawkins' latest, Much Ado About Marriage. I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads. Not her best work...my favorites are still Lady In Red and An Affair To Remember. Those are 2 of my favorite re-reads. Love them! I'm also super excited to read A Fairytale Christmas, which is a holiday anthology including stories by Barbara Wallace and Susan Meier. I love holiday romances and I can't wait to read this one!
I hope Smokinhotbooks likes the Carpathian title of my post...she has been complaining about the plethora of Carpathian chants in Christine Feehan's books. Hee hee hee....they are sort of crazy! Here's a good curse expression if you're a Carpathian vampire...O jelä peje terád! (Sun scorch you!).
Also, just wanted to give a shout-out to some book bloggers who have thoughtful posts (Mia Marlowe--also a wonderful writer!), thoughtful reviews (Julie from Outlandish Dreaming--a serious class act), funny, thoughtful and insightful observations (Julia Barrett's World...Julia rocks!), and a great sense of humor (Carolyn from The Thrillionth Page). Also, if you check out my blog list on the sidebar, you'll notice some new ones, including herbal blogs, healthy eating blogs, and a blog by a pig (The Life and Travels of Sullivan McPig).
In the immortal words of Carpathians everywhere,
Arwa-arvo pile sívadet (May honor light your heart),